10 Reasons You Should Start a Business

Starting a business is a big decision that can scare you, but it is a good opportunity to explore
your potential. You may be employed but dissatisfied with your remuneration, working
conditions, or need a break. Could your own business be the big break you need?

When you first have the idea of starting a business, you are faced with the fear of the unknown.
What if your business fails? What if you go broke? You are scared of letting go of the financial
security you have at work. Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone.

It has to be a burning desire inside you to start something of your own to do something
different. You shouldn’t look at the end game as just money. In fact, forget about making a
killing in the early stages of starting a business.

You will suffer setbacks, but you must persevere. Focus on the long term goal of fulfillment and
succeeding in creating a successful business. Below are 10 reasons you should start a business.
It may be the best decision you will ever make in life. Just do it!

1. The ‘what-if”?

Do you have a passion or a talent? Think of how great it would be to make a career out of it.
However, there are challenges such as; competition, lack of adequate capital, and other market
factors. Such factors may discourage you and force you to stick to your secure job. Don’t ask
yourself, “what if I fail’? Instead, what if you succeed? I would especially encourage young
people in their early 20’s who don’t have families depending on them. You have nothing to lose.
Go for it, for the sky is the limit.

2. A business will teach you a lot and help you grow

You will learn so much you never knew before by starting a business. When you are employed,
you only learn how to do your work and routine duties. A business, on the other hand, has so
many dynamics.

Factors are constantly changing, and you have to learn how to adapt. In your business, you have
to learn every sector without delegating.

You must know how to source your product at the best prices, how to sell, how to account for
your expenditure and profits. You have to be tech-savvy, keeping up with the latest news in
technology and your industry. The best part is that you learn valuable lessons that you will keep
for a lifetime.

3. You learn the beauty of Independence

As your own boss, you are accountable to no-one else but yourself. You make your own
decisions and have to trust your instincts.

You won’t have a team of people who you can bounce ideas off. With time, you will learn to be
independent in decision making and become really good at it. Experience is the best teacher.

You learn how to trust yourself and decide what’s best for your business. After all, no-one
knows your business better than you.

It feels good to know you can make good decisions to grow yourself and your business.
Sometimes, different opinions are confusing and can compromise what really needs to be done.
When you make your own decisions, you are solely responsible.

4. You are self-motivated and driven to work

Can you imagine actually looking forward to getting up and going to work? This is what it feels
like when you have your own thing going on. It is great to follow your passions and dreams. You
feel excited about what lays ahead, what you can achieve.

You think of strategies, new ideas for improving your business. You think of how to stay ahead
of your competitors. Even when business is low, you are motivated to make things better and
improve. This is because you are the sole life of the business. You alone determine whether it
will work or not.

Do you know an artist who is barely struggling to survive but still keeps on doing their thing?
Why do they do it when they hardly make anything out of it? What drives them? The answer is
passion. When you have something of your own that you are passionate about, you feel
fulfilled, and you are content in following what you love.

The reward doesn’t have to be money. It can be the feeling of creating something that is your
own, something that you own and love. You have to be prepared to sacrifice some comforts,
but it will be worthwhile. You aim to be successful, and passion is what will get you there,
rather than aiming for the money.

6. You conquer your fears and become confident in taking risks

Starting a business is a risk. There isn’t any guarantee that it will work. It would help if you
believed in yourself to take calculated risks to gain. Get rid of the self-limiting thoughts and
focus on becoming a fearless entrepreneur.

Others do it, so why not you? What’s stopping you? You must get out of your comfort zone if
you want to achieve anything. Learn how to approach and engage people. That’s how people
will know about you and your business. You can learn how to make things happen and improve
your entrepreneurial skills. When you do it long enough, it becomes a habit.

7. You speak with actions, not just words

Don’t become one of those people who don’t walk the talk. You cannot just talk about what you
want to achieve without taking action. You have to make plans and follow through. Otherwise,
how will you achieve anything you talk or dream of?

In business, things don’t happen through wishes. They are made to happen. Remember, you are
solely responsible for your business; therefore, you are the only one to do all that is required.
Actions bring ideas to life.

8. You discover that there are many talented and ambitious people in the business
It can become lonely being your own boss, with no shoulder to lean on. However, venture out
and befriend other entrepreneurs. Networking will help you grow your business since you will
learn how others do it and their experiences.

No man is an island. You must engage others to learn. It will help you realize that you are not
on your own. You realize that people out there have great visions and ambitions. It challenges
and motivates you to do better. You also discover new opportunities that can help you leap a
level higher. Don’t limit the possibilities.

9. You will learn to believe in yourself

It takes guts to venture out in entrepreneurship. It is a huge leap of faith that involves getting
rid of self-doubt and fear. In the process, you firmly believe in yourself and cast away your
doubts. It is said that whether you believe you can or can’t, you are either way right. Note that
no investment is more worthwhile than investing in yourself. It is something that will always be
a part of you.

10. You will learn so much that you will want to do it again

Whether you fail or succeed in business, it’s a worthy lesson. The lessons and experiences you
come across along the way are worth it. What harm is there in learning? You will be more
prepared for the next time.

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